Construction cleaning for new buildings & renovations
In most cases, a two-step approach to construction cleaning is recommended, with construction rough cleaning and final construction cleaning.
This concept guarantees a clean property, both during construction and after completion of the work. Our qualified team has many years of experience in construction cleaning. We guarantee a fast, thorough and professional approach.
Rough construction cleaning
With our construction rough cleaning, we professionally clear away the construction debris and dispose of the waste. This way you can concentrate on your construction work and don’t have to worry about disposal. Construction rough cleaning eliminates construction site chaos and allows for proper final cleaning.
Final construction cleaning
You can rely on us to hand over your construction property clean and hygienic. Through our final construction cleaning your object is ready for use. Our experienced employees are well acquainted with the peculiarities of final construction cleaning and guarantee a clean, professional and smooth execution. So you can be sure that everything is clean and hygienic.